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Listening…A Simple Way to Focus Your Mind

To have a clear and focused mind is something most of us want in our lives, but find ourselves, instead, frequent victims of constant thought – of unrelenting planning, evaluating, rehearsing, rehashing – leaving us anything but clear and focused. Pausing throughout the day and listening mindfully will bring clarity and calm to the mind. You can practice listening anytime and anyplace.

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Take a Mindful Moment and Appreciate What Is

Dr. Nancy Snyderman, an American physician and broadcast journalist shares a story about appreciating the moment. About eight years ago, when her son was very young, a butterfly landed on a bush nearby and he said “That’s today’s gift”. As she told the story, she made the point of how important it is – to our health – to stop throughout the day and savor the moment. She suggests taking a moment during each day and noticing what can be seen, heard or smelled…and to “let it be”.

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Ten Ways to Love Yourself

Loving yourself and knowing how to do so is at the very core of well-being, joy and self-acceptance and is essential for creating a rich and wholehearted life. You cannot enjoy happiness if you are not at peace with yourself and with who you are. Your relationship with yourself is the most important one you’ll ever have. In addition, every relationship you experience with someone else mirrors, in many ways, aspects of the relationship you have with yourself. The following are 10 tips for learning to love yourself. Apply each tip one step at a time and know that you are on a path that creates self-love and a healthy self-esteem.

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Breathing Basics

We repeat this task over 20,000 times a day and breathing is one of the most important physical functions our bodies know to do. Yet most of us don’t get it right. We fail to reap the full benefits of this action. As Dr. Andrew Weil, MD, a well-known pioneer in the field of integrative medicine, says: “If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to learn to breathe correctly.”

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Practicing Presence…if you’re not too busy

List consciousness is a state of mind that is entirely future-oriented. With a subtle but constant quality of rushing, it operates on the premise that life will happen once everything is crossed off The List. When you are in list consciousness, you are leaning into the future and completely missing the present.

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11 Tips for Living Mindfully

It may seem contradictory to those who are used to sacrificing living for pursuing their goals … but cultivating mindfulness will help you achieve your goals and enjoy life more. Focusing on one task at a time, putting yourself fully into that task, is much more effective than multi-tasking. Focusing on one real goal at a time is also more effective. Focusing on what you’re doing right now is highly effective. You’re more productive when you’re mindful.

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Coulda, Woulda, Shoulda

It’s pretty safe to say that everybody, at one point or another, has felt the pain of regret-a missed opportunity, perhaps, or the sense of having made a mistake. But when Abigail Stewart, PhD, a professor of psychology and women’s studies at the University of Michigan, started tracking women in their late 30s, she found that this pain can be turned to your advantage.

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Change Your Brain, Change Your Life

Mindfulness meditation — nonjudgmental awareness of sensations, feelings, and state of mind — has been proven to make measurable changes in brain regions associated with memory, sense of self, empathy, and stress. According to the Harvard Gazette, a team led by Harvard-affiliated researchers at Massachusetts General Hospital are the first to document meditation-produced changes in the brain.

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Mindfulness: Meditative Awareness

Mindfulness is about being fully awake in our lives and being aware of whatever is happening in the present moment – without judgment. Mindfulness is about cultivating a curiosity about ourselves and about who we are – being curious about how we view our world and our place in it…and about appreciating the fullness of each moment that we are given on this earth. Mindfulness is about paying attention in a particular and very important way: on purpose and in the present moment, with kindness and compassion.

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When the Going Gets Tough

I’m speaking of is the moment during a healing journey when it’s clearly time for action. Goals have been established, the past discussed, contributing events and significant people defined and it is now time to bring attention to intention and take the first action step. This is a time of personal challenge yet more importantly a time of personal triumph: taking the action step and then taking the next..and the next.. creating your path as you go.

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Changing Your Life Story

One of the things you may sometimes forget is that you’re the author of the story of your life, not just the main character. You may think that your story has to do with all the things that have happened to you, the qualities you were born with or have cultivated, the stuff you’ve done or haven’t done yet. But, when you remember that your story is a function of your thoughts, most specifically the thoughts you have about yourself, you can be empowered to consciously transform not just your story, but your life as a whole.

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What Does Abundance Look Like?

In America, it seems we are drowning in abundance. While the “American Dream” invites us to consume and enjoy an abundance of cars, purses, golf clubs and shoes- there is only temporary joy found in owning these items. Many of us are beginning to question what we had previously accepted as abundance and asking ourselves: “How much is enough?” and “What is true abundance?”

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Yoga on the Go

Traveling for work or pleasure can be challenging for anyone. Long flights, confined spaces, lots of walking and constant scheduling demands can create tired bodies, tight muscles and aching joints. Fortunately, there is a remedy that can go with you on your next journey: yoga.

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Stress Rx: 10 Tips for Calm and Ease

If you are feeling overwhelmed, anxious or uncertain and believe that a state of tranquility is out of reach, please consider the following tips for balancing your life. While a more in depth presentation may be valuable, a quick check list of tips to remember on a daily basis can be a life-saver.

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A Lesson from a Duck

I recently visited a lovely local park with a friend who enjoys photography. As we were watching various ducks swim in the pond, bobbing up and down with the small waves and currents, I noticed a young duck asleep in the water, curled into himself, with his tufted head tucked into his body. He bobbed peacefully as the other ducks swam around eagerly, diving for the bits of crackers and popcorn that a nearby group of children were tossing into the water. This simple scene touched me deeply as it was a lesson in trust.

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Reminder to Meditate

“We live, embrace and put to rest our dearest things, including how we see ourselves, so we can resurrect our lives anew.”

~Mark Nepo

Meditation is the practice of mindfulness, of being present to “now”, this moment, non-judgmentally. It is the practice of meditation that strengthens and anchors the skills of mindfulness, of reducing the stress of bombarding and negative thoughts and feelings.

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Fun, Fresh Air and a Fresh Attitude

Summertime is thought of as being a time for fun, being outdoors, but for many of us, summertime is filled with: work schedules, taking children to camp and tackling home and garden projects.

As a result, we may feel perpetual overwhelm. Perhaps we can view this as a gentle reminder to step outside of our daily routine and experience a little fun, fresh air and

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Is it a Burden or is it a Gift?

I came into the kitchen this morning to find a few slivers of glass on the counter. I asked my house guest if she knew of a glass breaking, wanting to make sure no one had been injured. She was embarrassed and apologetic and explained that she had tried to dry her fingertips on the corner of a towel (which also had a wine glass

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Loving Ourselves

Loving ourselves requires courage unlike any other. It asks of us to believe in who we are. It asks us to stay loyal to something no one else can see ~ something that holds our place in the world: our self worth.

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Let’s Go!

If you are someone who shuns the out-of-doors due to inclement weather and may fear getting wet and cold, why not give outdoor activity a try? Outdoor activity brings greater exposure to health-promoting vitamin D, improved mental functioning and increased compassion.

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