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Ten Healing Thoughts for the New Year

As I think about the New Year approaching, ten tips for healthy thinking and living come to mind. Please feel free to add your own to this list in the comments! And may merriment and delight – and peace in the New Year – be your companions and your experience.

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Try a Little Tenderness

“I have just three things to teach: simplicity, patience, compassion. These are your greatest treasures. Compassionate toward yourself, you reconcile all beings in the world.” ~ Lao-Tzu

Bound for home. After greeting my seating companion for the flight, I turned on my computer to catch up on work. Upon opening “Documents” – there it was: my digital diary – my words telling the story of

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Seize the Season! 10 Tips for Surviving the Holiday Festivities

The key to a guilt-free holiday is to set realistic goals with awareness. Implement these 10 survival tips to navigate the holidays – and enjoy plenty of happiness and cheer along the way. And remember, if you do overindulge, allow guilt feelings to pass on by. Guilt only weakens your resolve to maintain healthy habits, adds suffering to your experience and spoils the fun of holiday celebrations.

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Five Tips to Help You Embrace Extreme Change

Sometimes spiritual journeys are not the fuzzy-feely ones we see all too often in modern pop culture, Eat, Pray, Love being one of them. Spiritual journeys can be physically challenging, emotionally daunting, and can require deep inner strength. We live in an ever-changing world, and we need to fine-tune our souls to release inner resistance and fully open to the journey—good, bad, or horrific. Here are five things I’ve learned that help in embracing extreme change

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Protecting Eating Disorders Recovery During the Holiday Season

The holiday season can be a particularly challenging time of year for individuals struggling with eating disorders. The food-centric festivities surrounding most holidays can feel overwhelming to patients, regardless of their stage in the recovery process. In response to the anxiety that can accompany heightened exposure to food and gatherings of friends, family and colleagues, treatment professionals often observe an escalation of eating-disordered thoughts and behaviors and lapses in recovery during this time of year.

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