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Ten Healing Thoughts for the New Year

As I think about the New Year approaching, ten tips for healthy thinking and living come to mind. Please feel free to add your own to this list in the comments! And may merriment and delight – and peace in the New Year – be your companions and your experience.

  1. Create inner peace with acceptance, compassion and forgiveness
  2. Treat obstacles as opportunities and always remember “as you think, so you are”
  3. The present moment is the only one we have – use it for giving and loving
  4. Learn to let go of the past and of the future
  5. Learn to love yourself with forgiveness, gratitude and love
  6. Become “love – finders” rather than “fault-finders,” as the effort is the same
  7. Choose to “respond” rather than “react,” creating peace regardless of what is happening
  8. Keep the ‘big picture’ – the Universe is in perfect order
  9. Remember that we are all students and teachers with one another
  10. Practice radical self-acceptance! We are, after all, perfect beings

Ask yourself:

What do I really want in the New Year?
What do I need to do to create vibrant health and abundant living?
How can I love more?

A blessed New Year to all of you!

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