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Listening...A Simple Way to Focus Your Mind

To have a clear and focused mind is something most of us want in our lives, but find ourselves, instead, frequent victims of constant thought – of unrelenting planning, evaluating, rehearsing, rehashing – leaving us anything but clear and focused. Contrary to common thinking, discipline and other forceful attempts at creating clarity and calm only bring more confusion and can leave us disappointed and disheartened.

Often releasing expectation and trying something new can bring gratifying results. In the spirit of inquiry and discovery, simply pause for a few minutes, becoming aware of sounds around you. Notice what you hear: distant traffic, sounds of voices, a telephone ringing, birds chirping. Pause and allow your sense of hearing to be a receptive space of awareness where sounds come and go, rising and falling into silence. Effortlessly receive sound like an ocean receives rain.

The moment you notice the mind has begun to think, simply return to “listening”. Notice how all sounds come from silence and return to silence…rising and dissolving. Notice how you can be spacious – like the sky – letting all sounds be present. Just breathe, listen, and allow yourself to be nourished by sounds. See what happens…

Joel and Michelle Levey, authors of Living in Balance, suggest the following:

We are continually hearing information from the world around us and within us.
Turn down the volume of your internal dialogue.
Imagine the universe is about to whisper the answer to your deepest questions…
and you don’t want to miss it…

Simply, and without analysis or commentary.
Don’t label the sounds.
If you start thinking, remind yourself to just…

Effortlessly to sounds.
Let them come to you.
No need to tense or strain.
Trust. Let go of control. Be at ease.
Still…quiet…receptive…and alert.

Notice how sounds arise … and fade away…
Melting into silence or into other sounds…
Allow sounds to flow…

Where do the sounds go?

Where do the sounds come from?

How the space of your awareness effortlessly accommodates a symphony…
of sounds, thoughts, sensations, feelings and visions at the same time.
Allow your mind-body to relax into unencumbered clarity…

Allow answers to these questions to come as understanding, not “thoughts”.

And reflect…
Who is listening?…

Pausing throughout the day and listening mindfully will bring clarity and calm to the mind. You can practice listening anytime and any place. Try this: stop and listen when sounds are abundant – even “too much”. Still, let the sounds in…listen…and find your own quiet center. As you practice listening in both “noisy” and more quiet times, you will be able to access listening skills in any situation and bring calm and focus into your life.

Now: as you practice, notice…what is your experience? Can you find a stillness…quiet…in the midst of noise? Would you care to share an insight or an “aha” if one becomes present? How is listening supporting clarity and focus for you?

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