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I Am Looking At Music - Nina's Poem

Today, after numerous calls and attempts at reaching a cousin in Oklahoma City, he answered. Though it’s been many years since we’ve seen each other, we reconnected immediately and talked for an hour as if it’d been only yesterday. Gratefully, he and his wife are safe following the devastating tornado that left so many homeless, wounded or even dead.

After hanging up, I recalled a poem that I had read once. It speaks of expansion and spaciousness of the senses…of imagination and possibility. It speaks of love. So, in light of this recent tragedy, I would like to share it with you. And if anyone is touched by the words of this poem, please feel free to comment.

I Am Looking At Music – Nina’s Poem

It is the color of light
The shape of sound high in the evergreens
It lies suspended in hills
A blue line in a red sky

I am looking at sound
I’m hearing the brightness of high bluffs and almond trees
I’m tasting the wilderness of lakes, rivers and streams
Caught in an angle of song
I’m remembering water that glows in the dawn
The motion tumbled in earth
Life hidden in mounds
I am dancing a bright beam of light

Source: I am remembering love–Nina Mosley (Nia Long), Love Jones
Love Jones is a 1997 American film written and directed by Theodore Witcher. Two of the poems recited by Nia Long’s character, Nina, were written by Sonia Sanchez and are included in her book Like the Singing Coming Off the Drums: Love Poems.

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