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Mindful Minute: A Piece of Good News by Ugo Betti

“Nothing else matters so much, to reassure one another, to answer each other. Everyone has inside himself – what shall I call it? A piece of good news.”
—Ugo Betti

This quote warms my soul and brings a smile. Did it impact you this way? I find, in my life, I believe in the goodness of others, the silver lining, the never-ending possibility in all things. Yet, like many people, I sometimes lose my focus…becoming discouraged, self-absorbed and disheartened. The words “a piece of good news” touches me because it can be anything…even a small thought or a simple gesture of kindness. And Ugo said “everyone”. This includes all of us!

What is your “piece of good news”? Would you be willing to share it here? Mine is: I deeply love this beautiful world. Your turn…


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