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Healthy Thinking

“We are the only creatures on earth that can change our biology by what we think and feel.”

Deepak Chopra

Our attitudes and our outlook have a tremendous effect on the way our bodies function. Researchers in both the psychological and medical fields say that optimism is a major determining factor in our level of fitness. Optimism can prevent disease and contribute to the healing process, while pessimism can seriously erode health.

The following is a collection of components of “Healthy Thinking”:

I live with awareness of how I feel, what I believe and what I choose

I am honest with myself and with others: I trust myself

I am fully present in my life, committed to what I have chosen to think, do or be

I am creating peace with my past experiences, pain and trauma

I love myself and live in acceptance and non-judgment of all beings

I value my relationships and enjoy open communication with those I love

I live by my purpose, values and beliefs

I see obstacles as opportunities and I am an open learner

I live with confidence and committed action

My life is a balance of time alone and with others, doing and being, working and relaxing, family and friends, serving and receiving

I am able to create clear outcomes and to achieve them

I know that “how” I think determines how I live and the quality of life I create

I love and respect my body

I am responsible for my feelings and responses in life

I see life as a process ~ therefore, I am replacing unhealthy demands of myself or others with more expansive, realistic and loving expectations

I practice patience, letting go and non-striving

I am replacing all-or-nothing thinking with clear, present moment evaluation

Rather than personalize, label or blame others or myself I will practice acceptance and respect of each person’s process

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