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Wisdom in Action

How to Be Mindful in an ‘Unmanageable’ World

“Speed, distraction, and instant gratification are the enemies of nearly everything that matters most in our lives. Creating long-term value — for ourselves and for others — requires more authentic connection, reflection, and the courage to delay immediate gratification. That’s wisdom in action.”

–Tony Schwartz

I recently read an excellent article “How to Be Mindful in an ‘Unmanageable’ World” by Tony Schwartz, CEO and founder of The Energy Project. He discusses the benefits of mindfulness in a busy world – or, as Tony calls it, an “unmanageable world”.

There is increasing scientific evidence that a mindfulness practice has many benefits for health and wellness, including in the workplace. In this article, Tony demonstrates how mindfulness can increase productivity and reduce overwhelm. For more insights and information, I invite you to take a look at the complete article.

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